October 16, 2006

We’re ok and thankful for fire fighters

Posted in family, reflection at 1:50 am by jimazing

At the risk of sounding like Lucy when she returned from Narnia, we are ok. You can stop worrying.

We had our first fire of the season in the fireplace tonight. Unfortunately, the fire got up inside the chimney and flames and sparks were coming out of the chimney. It made me very nervous so I called 911 and told Jeanie and Melody to grab a few valuables and get out. By the time the 4 fire trucks arrived (a few minutes), the flames had died down and it appeared all was well. They checked things out and said everything was ok. Before they left, the gave me a commendation for calling them, thanks for giving them somthing to do and a brief lecture on servicing the fireplace once a year.

Whew! Thanks to God and the fire department.

We’re ok and thankful for fire fighters

Posted in Events, personal at 1:50 am by jimazing

At the risk of sounding like Lucy when she returned from Narnia, we are ok.  You can stop worrying.

We had our first fire of the season in the fireplace tonight.  Unfortunately, the fire got up inside the chimney and flames and sparks were coming out of the chimney.  It made me very nervous so I called 911 and told Jeanie and Melody to grab a few valuables and get out.  By the time the 4 fire trucks arrived (a few minutes), the flames had died down and it appeared all was well.  They checked things out and said everything was ok.  Before they left, the gave me a commendation for calling them, thanks for giving them somthing to do and a brief lecture on servicing the fireplace once a year.

Whew!  Thanks to God and the fire department.

October 15, 2006

Confessions of a Wonderer

Posted in I wonder, personal at 5:49 pm by jimazing


I was just thinking about going to lunch with my sweetie. We have been going out for Sunday lunch for so many years that it just feels like it would be sacreligeous to do otherwise. I was thinking of going to K&W cafeteria and imagining the crowd we would run into on a Sunday at lunchtime. I imagine a long line of folks “dressed for church” in their pretty dresses, maybe a hat or three, men in suits or at least ties. I confess that I generalize and prejudge these folks. I don’t want to, but I do. Who are they really? What have they given up in order to feel comfortable in their nice clothes? Do they still have dreams and passions, or have they given them up in order to just get along? I remember my grandparents telling my brother and me that God expects our best, so that’s why we dress up. I wonder… doesn’t he care more about our hearts than our clothes? Do we dress up to keep from upsetting Grandma? I am sure this says much more about me than it says about this crowd of people who I don’t even know… especially since I am imagining the whole thing.

Did you ever see the far side cartooon where the two ostriches are running along together. The one is looking at the other and thinking to itself, “Man I am sure glad I don’t look like that!” Of course what makes it so funny is that they are identical. I am the one ostrich looking at the other. I may not have a tie on, but I am no different.

I think what bothers me is that I see things about myself in them that scare me. How much have I given up my soul in order to conform to a way of life in order to get a form of community? I don’t dress up for church, but I “go” to church. Why? Am I looking for a place where I fit in? Am I going to “learn” more about God? Am I going to be part of the Body of Christ?

When I look at the dressed up folks in line, I answer the question for them (which is unfair, but easier than answering it for myself). I do want community. I want to be part of the Body of Christ. I want to continually discover and use my own unique spiritual gifts to minister to the body. That sounded more churchy than I meant it to. Here’s what I mean… I believe that God made me unique. He put a unique set of likes and dislikes in me. My values, my interests, my dreams, my fears, my passions are all rolled into me in a unique way. I don’t think that was an accident. It is who I am. The things that bother me, bother me because they bump against the things I value. Those are clues… everything is a clue to find out who I am… not some existential bellybutton contemplation kind of thing, but genuinely asking who I am and why I am here. I dont’ know if any theologians would agree with me, but I believe that these are all clues to the spiritual gifts in me that the Bible talks about.

Puzzle Pieces
Puzzle Pieces Finding my gifts, my strengths, my talents, my passion is a process of elimination. For me it is not trying something and deciding I’m not good at that. For me, it is a process of learning what lights me up inside. What fires up my spirit? What makes my heart do a flip? What pulls me out of a depression? I think it is a lifetime journey… like a jigsaw puzzle… sometimes I sort through a pile of pieces that don’t seem to be connected, other times one piece after another just falls into place.
Like this:

Friday mornings, I meet with a group of guys who I am on a journey with. When we meet, we “check in” with one another to see how we are doing, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I told them this past Friday that I was feeling depressed about my job. Without going into those details, I just don’t enjoy what I am doing at work right now. That afternoon, I met with my counsellor and told him about my checkin that morning, but then it occured to me that I wasn’t depressed anymore. After thinking about it, I realized that I had actually enjoyed my work that morning. I was working on understanding a technical problem and finding a solution to it. A puzzle piece snapped into place. Solving problems is something that I do well and something that lights me up.

Does this sound narcissistic?  I know that the world does not revolve around me.  I want to be an active part in making the world a better place.  I believe that the best I can be is to be who I am.  That sounds dumb, but life consists of a series of decisions… one after another.  Some will be more effective than others.  Some will just get me in trouble.  I want to be more and more effective, but at the same time, I want to live on the edge experiencing life to the full.

Aye, fight and you may die, run, and you’ll live… at least for a while. And dying in your beds, many years from now, would you be willin’ to trade ALL the days, from this day to that, for one chance, just one chance, to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they’ll never take… OUR FREEDOM!

–William Wallace in Braveheart

October 4, 2006

Sometimes I like being the dad

Posted in family, spirituality at 12:47 am by jimazing

Yesterday was a treat for me. I got to do one of those really cool, fun dad things. My daughter, Melody had an interview for entry into the UNC Medical School! On the way down she practiced and I encouraged. On the way back, we just enjoyed one another’s company. Towards the end of the trip, we watched the most spectacular sunset I have ever seen. No joke, it must have lasted half an hour from start to dark. What a blessing.

Jordan Lake

While Melody was interviewing, I had a date with my creator. With no idea exactly where I was going, I found myself at Jordan Lake. It was as if I had a personal invitation and escort to this place (see the photo). Isn’t it beautiful?

I opened my Bible and felt drawn to the Psalms, but which one? Having a hard time being able to be completely serious at any given time, even holy momentsI thought to myself why not, 42. After all every Hitchikers Guide fan knows that 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything, right? As if God had to top my silliness, in verse 6 He says,

When my soul is in the dumps, I rehearse
everything I know of you,
From Jordan depths to Hermon heights,
including Mount Mizar.

Remember where I was… “Jordan” lake.  Imagine jousting with the one who invented jousting. It was as if He was saying, “You think you are so clever.” I wondered if he arranged that whole thing (location and psalm) just for me.

From the beginning of the Psalm, I was totally blessed. I found myself praying the words as I read them…

I want to drink God,
deep draughts of God.
I’m thirsty for God-alive.

I know how thirsty I am after a good run. That dry cotton-mouthed feeling that tells me not so subtly, “Hey, you need a drink!” I want to recognize that feeling with God. I want to know how thirsty I am and meet him where he is. To connect with his heart and share mine with him.

These are the things I go over and over,
emptying out the pockets of my life.

Emptying my pockets before him! What a picture. I sat down and started writing what I was feeling and what I desired. One thing after another, I poured out my heart. I wrote about things I was angry about, sad about, happy about… emptying my pockets.

My life is God’s prayer.
Why are you down in the dumps, dear soul?
Why are you crying the blues?
Fix my eyes on God—
soon I’ll be praising again.
He puts a smile on my face.
He’s my God.

What an awesome God. After crying out to him, he puts a smile on my face and reminds me that he is my God.